A while ago I had a job interview at an Islamic school (well they call themselves a Dutch school with Islamic morals). Anyhow I went to the interview and the director of the school started off by saying that they are a liberal Islamic school so they don’t follow a specific group and views. They have liberal views about Islam and they want to teach the pupils Islamic values but also wanted them to be a part of the Dutch society. Hmmm nothing wrong with that right? And I totally agree with that kind of views but the job interview had very soon a turning point. My qualifications, experience were no longer the main to topic but my eyeliner was. One of the teachers who were at the interview noticed that I had make-up on (eyeliner and lip gloss) and according to her I was supposed to be a role model and that I should know that make-up is harem (prohibited). I disagreed with her because as far as my knowledge goes kohl is Sunna. But still it was my personal choice, and who is she to tell me what I could or could not do! Basically what she said if you want to work with us you have to take off the make-up as if that was not enough the director added not to look that bright and to hide my feminity. How can I hide that my feminty? And Hello!!! Like I was sitting there with tight and revealing clothes!! I was totally stunned by their comments. Where my own people (muslim) rejecting me by the way I look (dressed)? Even though I was dressed islamicly. I had my hijab on, my shirt was loose and I had loose jeans on. I just had a little make-up and that was a huge issue!!! There goes their liberal Islamic views…
Normally you hear in the West that a hijabi is rejected for a job because of her hijab by non-Muslims but now the Muslims rejected another Muslim because I didn’t fit in their mindset probably. It really shocked me but also made me very angry. My Islamic dress is a part of my identity and nobody has the right to ask me to change it!! Muslim or no Muslim. I would never ever take off my hijab for a job but I would also not change the way I wear my hijab. I’m not a full-time abaya wearer and I don’t think it’s necessary as long as I’m dressed modest within the wishes of my creator.
I thanked the job interviewers for their time and said thanks but no thanks… This is not a place where I would like to work or be happy to work at!
What would you do if you were in my shoes? Stay true to yourself or change bits of yourself….???