Thursday, 31 March 2011

Rejected :o}…

A while ago I had a job interview at an Islamic school (well they call themselves a Dutch school with Islamic morals). Anyhow I went to the interview and the director of the school started off by saying that they are a liberal Islamic school so they don’t follow a specific group and views. They have liberal views about Islam and they want to teach the pupils Islamic values but also wanted them to be a part of the Dutch society. Hmmm nothing wrong with that right? And I totally agree with that kind of views but the job interview had very soon a turning point. My qualifications, experience were no longer the main to topic but my eyeliner was. One of the teachers who were at the interview noticed that I had make-up on (eyeliner and lip gloss) and according to her I was supposed to be a role model and that I should know that make-up is harem (prohibited). I disagreed with her because as far as my knowledge goes kohl is Sunna. But still it was my personal choice, and who is she to tell me what I could or could not do!  Basically what she said if you want to work with us you have to take off the make-up as if that was not enough the director added not to look that bright and to hide my feminity. How can I hide that my feminty? And Hello!!! Like I was sitting there with tight and revealing clothes!! I was totally stunned by their comments. Where my own people (muslim) rejecting me by the way I look (dressed)? Even though I was dressed islamicly. I had my hijab on, my shirt was loose and I had loose jeans on. I just had a little make-up and that was a huge issue!!! There goes their liberal Islamic views…
Normally you hear in the West that a hijabi is rejected for a job because of her hijab by non-Muslims but now the Muslims rejected another Muslim because I didn’t fit in their mindset probably. It really shocked me but also made me very angry. My Islamic dress is a part of my identity and nobody has the right to ask me to change it!! Muslim or no Muslim. I would never ever take off my hijab for a job but I would also not change the way I wear my hijab.  I’m not a full-time abaya wearer and I don’t think it’s necessary as long as I’m dressed modest within the wishes of my creator.
I thanked the job interviewers for their time and said thanks but no thanks… This is not a place where I would like to work or be happy to work at!
What would you do if you were in my shoes? Stay true to yourself or change bits of yourself….???


Unknown said...

As salaamun alaykum sister - I would stay as you are - don't let them try and strip away your identity and your beliefs sister - I won't either. We have to stick to our principles - look at what they are doing to our sisters in France. :-( Jazak'Allah Khair sister - you will make it with Allah(swt)'s help :) May He make it easy for you - ameen...

Unknown said...

As salaamu aleikum sister, followed you here from Facebook...
As for this job I would say that it all depends how much you wanted the job..if I work for a large company that has a uniform, I would wear the uniform, even though it may be far removed from my personal taste or style outside work. I don't think I'd be compromising myself to do so.
Having said that, if you felt that the school's ethos/interpretation of Islam was incompatible with yours then perhaps it's as well you don't work there.
Employers often have specific requirements as regards dress; as long as they meet the required standards of they weren't asking you to remove your hijab..I don't think it's unreasonable of them, provided they weren't being personally rude to you during the interview.
This is just my personal opinion for you,only you know what you are comfortable with..

Seemi said...

@ Max: Wa alaikum salaam, I did end up refusing the job, because I'm convinced that the way I'm dressed it's ok. And I don't want to have 'two indentities'... Alhamdoelillah I have a Job now but really wantend to do something with my expercience etc. for the muslimcommunity in Hollandistan... So insha'Allah...

@June: I really wanted the job with the idea that I would be working in a muslim setting and this school had been looking for a long time for teacher in islamic studies and I had the qualifications. I even looked at their website to see what kind of a school it was and they presented themselves as very open and liberal...If I had known before that my clothing and appearance would be a problem then I wouldnt have applied for the job.
I do get that a school can have specific requirements regarding the drezz etc. but it wasnt mentioned anywhere..if a school has certain pollicy they should mention that...