Saturday, 30 April 2011

Am I suppose to take this serious?

Yesterday on my way home from a lovely din din with my uni friends I came across the following billboard at the station.
For my non-dutchi readers I’ll explain what’s said on the billboard. It says that the Big Day will be on the 21th of May this year !!! Yes people I’m talking about The Day…The Judgment Day… The Day when everything and anything will come to an end.

As a Muslim I believe in the Judgment day so I deffo believe it will happen but will it be on 21 May 2011? According to the Islamic point of view it’s only God who knows when it will happen.

“They ask you (Muhammad), “when will the Dag of Judgment be?” Tell them, “My lord knows best. It is He who has appointed its time…” (Q. 7:187)

So to be honest I don’t know when it will happen, just like I don’t know when I’ll die. So it makes me wonder how the billboard maker came to idea that it will be on 21 May 2011. Has it been written in the bible? As far as my knowledge goes even the Christians and Jews believe like the Muslims in the Judgment day but that the exact day was a mystery…. Well God knows!!!

1 comment:

Seemi said...

Hoi melantrix, een beetje laat maar beter laat dan nooit :o)... and guess what... We zijn er nog steeds!!! :oP